Humor Puns

Smokin’ Jokes: Smoking Puns to Light Up the Room

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Welcome to our blog, where today we have fun with the word smoking! Puns are jokes that play with words that have more than one meaning or sound like other words and can be a fun way to spice things up. Although smoking is a serious subject, sometimes a little humor can lighten the mood. We have collected some hot puns that will make you laugh. These puns are meant to make you smile and maybe even laugh. So get ready to laugh as we start making fun puns!.

Also read: Sea-ing the Funny Side: Nautical Puns to Anchor Your Day

Ash-king for Trouble

1Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em, but ash me first!
2Cig-arette be kidding me!
3Up in smoke, down in laughs!
4Let’s not blow this out of proportion.
5Just trying to spark up some fun!
6A light-up moment in the dark.
7Don’t match me if you can’t catch me!
8Burning questions, smoky answers.
9Ignite the night with a little light.
10Just one more puff, said every last tough.
11Don’t quit, relit!
12Ashes to ashes, dust to fun.
13Inhale the good vibes, exhale the bad jokes.
14I’m on a roll-up!
15Trying to butt out of this joke.
16It’s a burning desire for laughter.
17Fueling my fire with giggles.
18Hot enough to burn, cool enough to chill.
19Turn up the heat, turn down the stress.
20Smoky settings, fiery puns.

Filtered Fun

1Getting filtered out of the party.
2Breath of fresh flair!
3A filtered look at humorous smoke.
4Life through a filter, puns unfiltered.
5Clean jokes for dirty habits.
6Filter through the nonsense.
7It’s a drag, but someone’s gotta puff it.
8Inhaling the joy of clever wordplay.
9Exhaling puns, inhaling giggles.
10Filtered air, unfiltered amusement.
11Sparking laughter through the filter.
12Can’t resist a filtered pun.
13Keep calm and filter on.
14Dragging through the day with a smile.
15Light it up, laugh it out.
16Clear the air with some funny flair.
17Filtered laughs for rough drafts.
18Sift through the ash for gold.
19Every smoke has a silver lining.
20Breathing easy with these jokes.

Lighter Laughter

1Strike up some fun with me!
2Lighter the mood, brighter the laughter.
3Flames of fun, sparks of joy.
4Light up your day with a joke.
5Strike while the pun is hot.
6Flip my lid, light my wit!
7Flickering flames of funny.
8The lighter side of dark humor.
9Illuminate the room with laughter.
10Sparking smiles one flick at a time.
11Flipping fantastic puns.
12Keep your spirits lit and your puns fit.
13A little spark of comedy.
14Lighter moments in heavy times.
15Flame and fortune in every joke.
16A sparkler in the night of nonsense.
17Igniting the flame of hilarity.
18Lighter, brighter, funnier.
19Catch the spark before it’s gone.
20Flip, flick, laugh—repeat.

Puff Puns

1Puff, puff, pass the humor.
2Just puffin’ around with words.
3Take a puff of pure joy.
4Puffy cheeks, puffy puns.
5Inhale a pun, exhale a laugh.
6Puff the magic dragon, lit some jokes.
7Puffing away the blues.
8Light puffs, heavy laughter.
9A puff piece of comedy.
10Each puff a page of humor.
11Puffing up the volume on fun.
12Puffy puns for fluffy fun.
13Smoky words, fiery puns.
14Puff and pass—it’s joke time.
15The daily puff of happiness.
16Puffin’ on the pun pipe.
17Let’s puff-orm some comedy.
18Puff-tastic jokes on the fly.
19A little puff of laughter goes a long way.
20Keep calm and puff on.

Rolling in Laughs

1Roll in the aisles with these jokes.
2Rolled up and ready to crack.
3Rolling out the puns tonight.
4Keep rolling with the laughter.
5A rollicking good time with every pun.
6Roll with the puns, ride the laughs.
7Rolling smoke, rolling eyes, rolling laughs.
8Cigars of wisdom, rolls of wit.
9Rolled too tight, laughed just right.
10Let the good times roll, and the puns unroll.
11Roll up for the mystery pun tour.
12Rolling through puns like smoke through air.
13Roll out the barrel of laughs.
14Life’s a roll, filled with jokes.
15Rock and roll with laughter and smoke.
16Roll up the red carpet for these puns.
17Every roll has its pun.
18Barrel rolling through comedy skies.
19Roll down the window; these puns need air.
20On a roll with smoky jokes.

Smokin’ Hot Humor

1This humor is smokin’ hot!
2Too hot to handle, too funny to hold.
3Smokin’ jokes for fiery folks.
4Keep it smokin’, keep it joking.
5Smoking hot puns, freshly fired.
6Too smoky in here from all the hot puns!
7Burn through the day with hot humor.
8Lighting up the room with hot jokes.
9Smokin’ and jokin’: a perfect pair.
10Hot as a smoker, funny as a joker.
11Sizzling puns to heat up your day.
12Smoke signals sending jokes.
13Red hot puns, ready to serve.
14Feel the heat of these fiery puns.
15Smokin’ good puns for a great time.
16Hot off the press, smokin’ in the room.
17Heating up the humor circuit.
18Catch these smoking hot one-liners.
19Smoldering puns for cool times.
20Turning up the heat with every pun.


1Smoke ’em if you’ve got ’em, but ash me first!
2Cig-arette be kidding me!
3Just trying to spark up some fun!
4Don’t match me if you can’t catch me!
5Ignite the night with a little light.
6Don’t quit, relit!
7Ashes to ashes, dust to fun.
8Inhale the good vibes, exhale the bad jokes.
9Trying to butt out of this joke.
10It’s a burning desire for laughter.
11Strike up some fun with me!
12Lighter the mood, brighter the laughter.
13Strike while the pun is hot.
14Flickering flames of funny.
15The lighter side of dark humor.
16Puff, puff, pass the humor.
17Just puffin’ around with words.
18Each puff a page of humor.
19Smokin’ jokes for fiery folks.
20Keep it smokin’, keep it joking.


Meet Pramod, who writes fun puns and jokes on our website.

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